Linda Friesen

Linda Friesen

Linda Friesen is one of many study subjects who have had the Supraselective therapy and as a result, have recovered function as their lives returned to ‘normalcy’, absent of symptoms and without the need for medications.


Finding Blessings in My Battle With Multiple Sclerosis

My parents raised me to believe in God, and I’ve never lost that faith. I believed, too, that he had a plan for my life, that he was the ultimate healer, and that he would never leave my side. I prayed a lot, and I had a team of prayer warriors in my family, my church and around the country who were praying for me, too. I clung to my faith.

Nobody diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis knows how to deal with it, nor do their family members or friends. There’s no training for such devastating news. What do you do, say, think? What should you read and what should be avoided?

That said, you would not have known that Brian, my husband was not schooled in MS-patient caregiving. From the first, he didn’t let on how scared he was. He simply bravely carried on. He kept working. He kept caring for me, our home, our children, and our two dogs. I don’t know how he did it.

Phase One trials are now complete and Supraselective infusions have been confirmed as a potential breakthrough therapy for the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. Supraselective stem cell administration is a delivery technology with a demonstrated scientific and clinical proof of concept. This is the first time that a potential therapy has strongly demonstrated a return of function for patients.