Medical News

A Radical Plan to Exterminate Mosquitoes Just Received Major Funding From The Gates Foundation
A Radical Plan to Exterminate Mosquitoes Just Received Major Funding From The Gates Foundation
Beyond being itch-provoking summer pests, mosquitoes kill an estimated 830,000 people around the world each year. That makes them more deadly than any animal on…
Trump directs USTR to take up pricing of pharmaceuticals, medical devices
Trump directs USTR to take up pricing of pharmaceuticals, medical devices
President Donald Trump today directed his top trade negotiator to strongly take up with all countries the fixing of prices of American pharmaceuticals and medical…
Scientists Have Identified The Physical Source of Anxiety in The Brain
Scientists Have Identified The Physical Source of Anxiety in The Brain
A recent study investigating the neurological basis of anxiety in the brain has identified ‘anxiety cells’ located in the hippocampus – which not only regulate…
There Are Now 100 Scientific Studies That Prove Cannabis Cures Cancer
There Are Now 100 Scientific Studies That Prove Cannabis Cures Cancer
Cannabis is a Schedule I drug in the United States. That means the government has designated the plant as having no accepted medical use and…
Sabotage by the brain’s supporting cells helps fuel neurodegeneration
Sabotage by the brain’s supporting cells helps fuel neurodegeneration
Several neurodegenerative disorders are linked to the build-up of abnormal α-synuclein protein in distinct cell types. It emerges that differing intracellular factors dictate the properties…
Heat Causes Aluminum to Leach Foil to Food. Aluminum Toxicity Causes Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Cancer
Heat Causes Aluminum to Leach Foil to Food. Aluminum Toxicity Causes Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Cancer
Aluminum has been long known to be neurotoxic, with mounting evidence that chronic exposure is a factor in many neurological diseases, including dementia, autism, and…
Cancer Institute Finally Admits Marijuana Kills Cancer
Cancer Institute Finally Admits Marijuana Kills Cancer
Cancer kills nearly 600,000 Americans per year. And this year alone, over 1.6 million people will be diagnosed. So much time and research has gone into…
Study Finds Fasting for 72 Hours Regenerates Entire Immune System
Study Finds Fasting for 72 Hours Regenerates Entire Immune System
There has long been debate surrounding the prospective advantages of fasting. On the one hand, fans of fasting point to the many benefits that they…
Big Pharma Suffers Another Major Blow As Study Debunks High Cholesterol Myths, Admitting Statins Are Totally Worthless
Big Pharma Suffers Another Major Blow As Study Debunks High Cholesterol Myths, Admitting Statins Are Totally Worthless
It’s been a tough few weeks for Big Pharma, as three major studies have now completely disproved the effectiveness of its most profitable drugs. Last…
These Chips are Poisonous to Humans. Linked to Hormone Disruption and Kidney Failure
These Chips are Poisonous to Humans. Linked to Hormone Disruption and Kidney Failure
The Texas-based Frito-Lay corporation, whose parent company is PepsiCo, has been caught selling deadly processed food products that contain both genetically modified (GM), pesticide-producing “corn”…
How Statins Cause Heart Problems; Use These Natural Solutions Instead
How Statins Cause Heart Problems; Use These Natural Solutions Instead
In the past, some MDs have proposed that statin drugs should be put into our water supplies and handed out to fast food customers. As…
Fluoride Officially Classified As A Neurotoxin In World’s Top Medical Journals
Fluoride Officially Classified As A Neurotoxin In World’s Top Medical Journals
Evidence of how negatively fluoride can impact our health has been increasing in rapid pace throughout the past few years. People are hoping that by bringing…
Jim Carrey: 'CDC Is Poisoning Our Children With Vaccines'
Jim Carrey: 'CDC Is Poisoning Our Children With Vaccines'
Over the years, Canadian actor, Jim Carrey has made his thoughts clear on the dangers of vaccines, most notably speaking out against new legislation making…
Study: Drinking Wine is More Important than Exercise to Living Past 90
Study: Drinking Wine is More Important than Exercise to Living Past 90
Living long enough to see your children and grandchildren grow is priceless. Unfortunately, not many people are lucky enough for this to happen. Living Longer…
A massive clue on pregnancy and the development of schizophrenia was just found
A massive clue on pregnancy and the development of schizophrenia was just found
The exact causes of schizophrenia are veiled in mystery, but scientists have been trying to work out whether it could develop during pregnancy. Now a powerful…
Harvard Study: Pasteurized Milk From Industrial Dairies Linked to Cancer
Harvard Study: Pasteurized Milk From Industrial Dairies Linked to Cancer
The truth has once again shaken the foundation of the ‘American Tower of Babel’ that is mainstream science, with a new study out of Harvard Universityshowing…
Why animals diversified on Earth: Cancer research provides clues
Why animals diversified on Earth: Cancer research provides clues
Can tumors teach us about animal evolution on Earth? Researchers believe so and now present a novel hypothesis of why animal diversity increased dramatically on…
Researchers create first stem cells using CRISPR genome activation
Researchers create first stem cells using CRISPR genome activation
Activating a single gene is sufficient to change skin cells into stem cells Source: Gladstone Institutes In a scientific first, researchers at the Gladstone Institutes…
Scientists make cells that enable the sense of touch
Scientists make cells that enable the sense of touch
Researchers are the first to create sensory interneurons from stem cells Source: University of California – Los Angeles Health Sciences Researchers at the Eli and…
Shocking New Study Shows Half of Cancer Patients are Killed by Chemotherapy, Not Cancer
Shocking New Study Shows Half of Cancer Patients are Killed by Chemotherapy, Not Cancer
No matter how much doctors push the treatment, chemotherapy might not be the best option in the fight against cancer, as a new study shows…
Engineers grow functioning human muscle from skin cells
Engineers grow functioning human muscle from skin cells
First functioning human muscle grown from induced pluripotent stem cells holds promise for cellular therapies, drug discovery and studying rare diseases Source: Duke University Biomedical…
Study: Magnesium Found to Treat Depression Better Than Antidepressant Drugs
Study: Magnesium Found to Treat Depression Better Than Antidepressant Drugs
Depression presents an enormous disease burden, with a reported 350 million people worldwide suffering from the disease, but traditional SSRI treatments carry a burden of…
Artificial Sweeteners Cause Cancer
Artificial Sweeteners Cause Cancer
If you’ve added the artificial sweetener sucralose (brand name Splenda) to your diet because you think it’s a healthy alternative to sugar, you’re being dangerously…